Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Two Trips to South Africa

This past December, Jim and I travelled to Cape Town, South Africa for two weeks. Our main intention was to visit our friend Fritz van der Lecq, who we met in 2004 when he came to the Wheaton Graduate School as an international student. It was a wonderful time together, as he introduced us to his family and friends, took us around the area, and spent many hours discussing life in South Africa over coffee. While there, we also checked out the University of Cape Town, as Jim was accepted to a graduate program in education, to begin in July 2007. Jim's interests in the program were confirmed - heightened! - so we are continuing to pursue the opportunity to move there for 1-2 years as of this summer (or... winter, in the southern hemisphere). There are a lot of logistics to work through before then, however, so you can pray that the Lord would guide and provide! If you'd like to see 'some' photos, check out our google photos page. If you're wondering how long the flight is to Cape Town from Chicago is .. the answer is 20 hours.

We also took a second 'trip' to South Africa last weekend, via the Chicago Shakespeare Theater, who is hosting the showing of the play "Amajuba" (through 2/11). This play is a realistic and true telling of childhood in South Africa in the 70s, 80s, 90s, during the turbulent last years of apartheid. Songs were interspersed with the narratives of the five actors. It was very moving, and a good reminder of the power of story to communicate strong emotion and the importance of childhood experiences in our psychological development. (Did you know South Africa has 9 national languages? We heard at least 5 during the play.)


kate said...

It's good to hear your news!

Anonymous said...

Will a degree from SA be recognized in the states for your professional purposes? Aunt Kippy wants to know.

Jim and Julianna said...

Yes, a degree there would be recognized here. In fact, Jim has received some positive feedback (encouragement) from some professors in higher education at other universities with whom he has shared about this program in SA. So, we'll see where this leads in the next few months!

Rebecca Bragg said...

Hi Jim and Julianna!

It's Becky Bragg here from Jim's Christian Theology class of 2004 with Dr. Lauber - what exciting adventures you two have had in SA! I love reading your blog from time to time!

I wondered if you might know how to put me in touch with Fritz? I have a friend moving to Geneva to work for the U.S. State Dept. for the next four years and I'd like to put her in touch with Jean so that she can join a solid Christian community. She's been there for 2 weeks and feeling pretty lonely so I thought I'd follow-up with friends who have links to other friends who might help her :)

I hope you two are well! I'm in law school in Massachusetts getting a joint law and MBA degree for the next 4 years! It's fun stuff.

Send my best to Fritz!
