Monday, June 11, 2007

I graduated!!!

I graduated from Trinity Christian School this past Friday! I had been a student there for nearly thirteen years. It was memorable evening with speeches and special music and farewells to many friends that I've made at TCS. I'll miss them next year, though I'm ready to move on to college.

A week or so before graduation the senior class with the principal and his wife went to California together. We saw San Francisco and spent a couple days in Yosemite. Mr. Prol and a few of the guys hiked Half Dome - the biggest granite monolith in the world. Some of the rest of us hiked the Mist Trail up to Vernal Falls (for a great picture see Kate's blog.) Then we drove to Glacier Point for a stunning view of the whole valley. On the way back we saw two big brown bears very close to the road.

Yosemite Valley was nothing less than awesome. I don't think I've ever seen lakes so blue or landscapes so breathtaking. Our time there was far too short. I'll have to come back. The evening after we got back from California was the senior banquet and just over a week later was graduation.


Jack Miner said...

glad you were able to visit Yosemite. Your dad camped there when he was five years old.

kate said...

That picture of the bear is Awesome! we saw some bears at the same point in the park, but they were too small in the distance to get a good picture.