Thursday, August 4, 2011


Accidentally posted twice to the wrong blog, but I suppose those can stay.
Is anyone still reading togblog?


One of the best days of the summer was June 11 when several friends from Wheaton and I met up to hike in Virginia off of Skyline Drive. I hadn't seen Donna Grace since last July, or Becky since the previous May, so it was wonderful to spend that time together and meet Brittany, another friend of DG.

It was a hot day, but most of the hike was in the shade, and there was water too. Just gorgeous.

Becky wants to hike the Appalachian trail, so she trained by being our sherpa.

I wish I didn't have to wait another year til I see her again.

Graduation weekend

A bit of catchup . . . graduation was only almost 3 months ago.

Driving home, we take rest-stops for tea.

We took a detour and stopped at Niagara Falls, approaching it from the Canadian side from which you can get a clear view of the American and Canadian falls.

We looked down into the churning waters and watched cormorants diving.