Sunday, December 30, 2007

more fun family photos

This is actually Kate here, posting fun old photos I found on Grandpa's mac.
There's a wealth of pictures here, so I hope Grandpa keeps entertaining us with them.
Enjoy! & Happy New Year.Uncle Andy with some dog on a beach in Oregon
(David and Alec in the background)

I wanted to post more--these ones in particular....
Uncle Bert and Raj & Grandpa on a horse pulling Grandma
....but the computer was being slow and uncooperative, so that's all from me. Hopefully Grandpa will keep them coming!!

George Frederick Miner

Kate picked this. Her great great grandfather and relatives.
(the one in the front row, second from left, in black)
from one hundred years ago - probably 1907 in western New York

Friday, December 28, 2007


1 Anna Elizabeth 5

16 Lillian May 2

20 Mary Ruth

21 Radu

25 Hannah

29 Daniel Manning

30 Virginia May